Screening for Neurodiverse Conditions:

Although neurodiversity can only be diagnosed by appropriate medical practitioners and Frances is not a specialist in this area, she is nonetheless able to screen for conditions such as autism and ADHD by sending out comprehensive questionnaires to schools and families. The results of these questionnaires can then be included in her report alongside recommendations and observations. Furthermore, her knowledge is constantly being updated by professional training sessions and she is regularly asked to include a section on neurodiversity in her reports.

“Frances has really helped our family gain an understanding and knowledge about an area we did not know much about. Throughout the time of working with her, we have been impressed by her understanding of neuro – divergent families and her kindness to us and our daughter. She has never once made us feel silly or insignificant, which is so valuable. My neuro – divergent daughter really enjoys going to see Frances which says it all!”